The PRi is a statutory body elected by the local people through a well defined democratic process with specific responsibilities and duties. Elected members are accountable to the people of the ward, rural community, block and the district. The PRIi being a representative body of the people, is the most appropriate institution from the village to the district level in view of its proximity, universal coverage and enlisting people's participation on an institutionalized basis. Their close involvement is crucial in getting people prepared for countering natural disasters as well as involving people in all possible preventive and protective activities so that the impact of the disasters are mitigated and the people save their lives and property. PRis act as catalysts to social mobilization process an tap the traditional wisdom of local communities to complement modern practices in disaster mitigation efforts. PRis also provide a base for integration of various concerns of the community that of NGOs and CBOs that are engaged in various developmental activities at the grassroots level. If PRi's are not consulted for preparedness, planning, relief and rehabilitation work, it leads to lack of accountability and transparency resulting in loss of money.
Activities like distribution of immediate relief in the form of money, food grains, medical care, clothes, tent, vessels, drinking water and other necessities, activities of restoration, rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts of damaged villages and towns can be implemented better with the involvement of local bodies. PRi plays a crucial role in mobilizing people in various situations of crisis. The impact of disasters on people living in vulnerable areas and losses to their property can be minimized by a pro-active role played by PRis at the grassroots level. PRi members can play a role of leadership in disaster management at all stages.
Role played by PRis at various levels of disaster management is given below:
PRE-DISASTER-Organizing awareness campaigen and promoting community education on disaster preparedness
-Articulation of community need for developing preparedness plan through community involvement and panchayat ownership
-Identifying the resource gaps both physical and manpower and replenish the same through capacity building
-Establishing synergy with local agencies including NGOs / CBOs
-Dovetailing risk reduction into various development programs of national and state governments
-Establish convergence with local institutional structures created for implementing education, health, livelihood, social justice, etc
-Activating the disaster management plans with the participation of the community
-Formation of task forces and their capacity building
DURING DISASTER-Arranging emergency communication through available resources
-Evacuation to temporary shelter and running relief camps
-Supplementing rescue and relief efforts in coordinating different agencies
-Monitoring of relief distribution
-Safe disposal of carcass along with setting sanitation facilities and safe drinking water
POST DISASTER-Damage assessment particularly assisting in identifying victims for compensation and its distribution
-Formulating rehabilitation and reconstruction plan of houses and other local infrastructure
-Enforce minimum specification for safe reconstruction
-Supervise and monitor long term reconstruction and mitigation projects
-Mobilising special funds to use disaster resistant construction technology in vulnerable areas.