Friday, 29 March 2019

Community Based DRR


Community Based  Disaster Risk Reduction refers to locally appropriate and locally "owned" strategy for disaster preparedness and risk reduction.This has been designed to improve the effectiveness of specialist and non-specialist professionals in disaster response, helping them to link the disasters with risk reduction and development in a sustainable manner.
Communities are at the core of disaster risk reduction (DRR), and community based approaches are getting increasing focus in national DRR plans.
Reducing the risk and losses of disasters is a collective effort. It requires collective action.
Without engagement at the local level, it’s very difficult to cope with any disaster.
The following factors determine the success of a  Community Based  Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR) program:
  1. Motivation and capacity of the community and community leaders
  2. Motivation and capacity of community and the stakeholders coupled with the strength of partnerships between them
  3. The capacity of external agencies and the strength of partnership with them
  4. The level of community participation and ownership of the CBDRR program
  5. The level of integration of CBDRR programs with other sectors
  6. Maintaining an appropriate balance between standardisation and flexibility in terms of program design
  7. Time constraints to implement CBDRR programs
  8. Availability of funds to implement CBDRR programs
  9. Presence of adequate assessment, monitoring and evaluation procedures
Community based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR) is the core of any risk reduction program as communities are the first responders to any disaster. Disaster Risk Reduction focuses on reducing the underlying risk and encourages preventive action before a disaster. Communities become actively involved in search and rescue, relief and post-disaster recovery. CBDRR emerged as a result of shift from reactive emergency management to disaster risk reduction. In order to enhance community participation in before a disaster occurs, it is important to focus on risk reduction issues. This led to development of Community based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR) . CBDRR focuses on predisaster interventions such as prevention, mitigation and preparedness related activities. Prevention aims at avoiding the occurrence of disasters. While this is not possible in the case of natural disasters, the intensity and frquency can be reduced by
-poverty alleviation
-asset redistribution plans
-provision of basic services such as education and health care
Mitigation measures reduce and limit the impact  of natural hazards on elements of risk such as population, infrastructure and properties through structural measures such as bridges, protective dykes, embankments and safety building design. Non-structural measures include community risk assessment, community risk reduction planning, public awareness, food security programs, group savings, cooperatives, strengthening community disaster management organizations and advocacy on disasters and development issues, legislation, land use zoning, etc. Disaster mitigation is an essential component of sustainable development. The essential elements and features of CBDRR form the core of community based approaches for disaster risk reduction. They are
-People's participation
-Setting priorities for the most vulnerable groups, families and people in the community
-Community-specific risk reduction measures
-Recognition of existing capacities and coping mechanisms
-Understanding the link between disaster risk reduction and development
-Supporting and facilitating role of exterternal (non-government) agencies

Community based approaches can be defined as a broad coverage of approaches that involve beneficiaries in their identification, design and management. It also refers to a collection of approaches applied within community level projects or as part of national programs. It also varies from consultation with communities to decision making to devolution of resources at the community level.
Community based disaster risk reduction is important since
-People in the community are the ultimate sufferers
-The people of the community are the first responders who have an in-depth knowledge of the area
-External help take time to arrive at the area
-It has been proved that top-down disaster risk management and response programs fail to address specific local needs of vulnerable communities and ignore the potential of local resources.
-The top-doen disaster risk management approach may also increase people's vulnerability

CBDRR is a process in which risk communities are actively engaged in identification, analysis, treatment, monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks in order to reduce their vulnerabilities and enhance capacities. People are at the heart of decision making and implementation of disaster risk reduction activities.

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