Monday, 11 March 2019


Covering Unit-I & Unit-II
Answer ALL
  1. A disaster is a __________, ____________ event that seriously disrupts the functioning of a community or society and causes __________, ___________, and _____________ or environmental losses that exceed the ________________ or _____________ ability to cope using its own resources
  2. List four examples of natural disasters
  3. How can the impact of disasters be minimized
  4. Define disaster, Hazard and the three components of vulnerability
  5. What is risk and express risk as a formula
  6. List two examples of man-made disasters
  7. List the various impacts of droughts
  8. List the indirect effects of drought
  9. List the negative effects of drought on people. 
  10. List the economic impacts of drought
  11. Explain briefly, the political impact of drought as a "focussing event".
  12. List few environmental impacts of droughts
  13. List the various impacts (six typical and ten delayed) of drought on the health of a community
  14. List the various disasters that the Indian subcontinent and the northern himalayan region are prone to
  15. What percentage of India is prone to drought, earthquake, floods and cyclones.
  16. List the various major famines in India
  17. What is the average drought frequency in India
  18. Who are the worst affected by droughts
  19. What are the two broad classifications of disasters in India
  20. What is the meaning of Hydrometeorology and list examples of hydrometeorological disasters
  21. What are geological disasters also known as 
  22. List examples of geological disasters
  23. List the common characteristics of natural disasters
  24. State the conceptual and operational definitions of drought
  25. List the various types of drought
  26. List the causes of drought
  27. List the various direct and indirect impacts of drought
  28. List the economic, environmental and social impacts of drought
  29. What is the impact of drought on the health of a community
  30. List the initial and delayed responses with regard to psychosocial impacts of drought on people in the affected community
  31. Explain in brief the phrase, "differential impacts of disasters"
  32. What is meant by "global trends"
  33. List the factors contributing to an increasing trend in number of disasters over the past few decades
  34. What is an urban disaster
  35. Define pandemics
  36. List the four types of stability found in complex emergencies
  37. List the factors contributing to rapid climate change
  38. Why are slums in cities a major center of crime
  39. List the reasons for high hazard intensity in urban areas
  40. List examples of pandemics that occurred in the past
  41. List the characteristics of complex emergencies
  42. List the effects of national and international level complex emergencies
  43. List the various climate change indicators
  44. List the various risks due to climate change
  45. List the direct and indirect impacts due to climate change
  46. List the impacts that climate change has on ecosystems and environmental relationships
  47. List the various causes due to floods and cyclones
  48. Where are tropical cyclones generated
  49. What is the 'eye' of a cyclone
  50. What is the wind direction in a cyclone
  51. What is an 'eye wall' and a 'rain band' in a cyclone
  52. What causes 'local storms'
  53. List the primary, secondary and tertiary hazards due to a cyclone with examples
  54. List the damage caused due to local storms
  55. Define atmospheric hazards. What are they also known as 
  56. What is a cumulative atmospheric hazard
  57. List the various atmospheric hazards
  58. List the common types of toxic gases encountered in confined spaces
  59. Define a cold wave and list the criteria for determining a cold wave
  60. List the effects of cold waves
  61. Can cold waves be forecasted
  62. Define heat wave and heat stress
  63. On what basis are heat waves classified
  64. List the characteristics of dry heat wave and moist heat wave
  65. List the effects of heat wave on the human body
  66. List the signs of heat wave
  67. ___________% of rainfall occurs in ___________ months in India
  68. Define flood
  69. Floods in India are caused due to _________________________ basin that carries ___% of total river flow in India
  70. List the various causes of floods in India
  71. List the various flood prone regions of India
  72. Define a road accident
  73. List the various causes of traffic accident
  74. List the elements of good driving
  75. List the effects of a traffic accident

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Hailstorms When the water droplets that were about to fall as rain pass through very cold layers of the atmosphere. This will freeze the wa...