Saturday, 25 April 2020

QUIZ - 2

QUIZ - 2
  1. List the important human factors that influence disaster severity
  2. How are disasters a precursor to scientific advancements leading to development
  3. List the factors affecting vulnerability to disasters
  4. List the impact of disasters on dams and embankments
  5. Define "climate change adaptation" and list a few examples of the same
  6. Define "indigenous knowledge"
  7. List a few appropriate technologies used in disaster management
  8. Define Disaster Risk Management
  9. List the components of disaster relief
  10. What is disaster management policy
  11. List few policies related to disaster management
  12. List policies related to disaster management other than disaster management act 2005 and disaster management policy
  13. List the priority themes of the sendai framework
  14. List the programs related to disaster management


 Hailstorms When the water droplets that were about to fall as rain pass through very cold layers of the atmosphere. This will freeze the wa...