Tuesday, 11 February 2020



Assignment 1 (HW#01, HW#02 & HW#03)
HW# 01

Q1. Write about natural vs man made disasters with examples
Q2. Explain the classification of droughts

HW# 02

Q1. Give a detailed classification of disasters
Q2. Write about heat waves and cold waves

HW# 03

Q1. Write about culture of safety
Q2. Write briefly about the roles and responsibilities of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in disaster management

Assignment 2 (HW#04 & HW#05)

Q1.Briefly describe the interrelationship between disasters and development
Q2.What are the various factors affecting vulnerability to disasters


Q1. Briefly explain the vulnerability profile of India
Q2.Briefly explain the institutional arrangements with respect to disaster risk management in India


 Hailstorms When the water droplets that were about to fall as rain pass through very cold layers of the atmosphere. This will freeze the wa...